Create WimbaAPP Account to Order Orthotics

Create WimbaAPP Account

Fill in the form to receive your login and password for WimbaAPP, unlocking the full WIMBA orthotics experience.
Why you need WimbaAPP? To order WIMBA devices for your patients!

Why Download WimbaAPP?

WimbaAPP is the go-to tool for veterinary professionals to easily order WIMBA orthotics. With just two photos and a few limb measurements, you can quickly order 2- and 3-strap carpal and tarsal braces.

  • Global Trust: Partnered with 250+ clinics across 30+ countries.
  • Custom Solutions: Precision-tailored orthotics for unique needs.
  • User-Friendly App: WimbaAPP—two photos and a few measurements.
  • Quick Turnaround: Fast delivery of high-quality devices.
  • Expert Support: Clinical team for case consultations.
wimba mobile app
wimba carpal orthotics